To celebrate its 37th birthday, Krka National Park is treating visitors to free entry this weekend, and an emotional series of photographs called “People of the Krka”

One of Croatia’s youngest national parks was proclaimed in 1985 in order to protect the exceptional natural values and wealth of cultural and historical heritage in this unique monument of nature in the midst of the karst landscape. However, in addition to the natural values and protected species, the territory of Krka National Park contains within it a multitude of cultural and historical monuments – archaeological sites, sacral structures and industrial plants, and visitors particularly enjoy visiting the interesting ethno-villages that keep the memory alive of old crafts and the way of life. Because humans have always lived along the banks of the Krka Riverand the traces of human settlement in this area stretch back from prehistoric times to the industrialisation period, even today the local population is strongly bound to the river and the park area., That is why the Public Institute of Krka National Park has prepared a thematic exhibit of photographs dedicated to this population, entitled “People of the Krka”..

The concept of the exhibit is made up of photographs, taken since the establishment of the park, showing the faces of the people whose lives and work are tied to the Krka River, to the beauty of nature and the cultural and historical heritage that is so abundant in the area along the Krka River.

Krka je važan dio identiteta ljudi ovoga kraja, stoga ovom izložbom želimo naglasiti njihov značaj za razvoj Parka i očuvanje njegove prirodne i kulturne baštine. Izložba je zamišljena kao svojevrsni poklon i posveta ljudima koji čine da Park, osim svojih zaštićenih prirodnih vrijednosti, može ponuditi i uvid u autentičnost suživota čovjeka i prirode koji na ovom području traje tisućljećima. Raduje nas da smo dio tih trenutaka iz svakodnevice ovjekovječili za buduće generacije kojima Krku i njezinu prirodnu i tradicijsku vrijednost ostavljamo u nasljeđe“, izjavila je Nella Slavica, ravnateljica Javne ustanove „Nacionalni park Krka“.

The opening of the exhibit of photographs, created by renowned photographer Damil Kalogjera,is scheduled for Saturday, 22 January at noon on the Imperial plateau at the lookout over Skradinski buk, which gives an unforgettable view over the Krka’s largest and most attractive waterfall. This is the first in a series of exhibits in which the Public Institute of Krka National Park is planning to present the life of the people along the Krka River.

The celebration will be made complete with a performance by the Skradinski buk klapa a cappella singing group from Skradin.

 On Saturday and Sunday, entrance to the park will be free of charge. The park will be open from 9 am to 4 pm, and entrance into indoor areas is only possible with a valid EU digital COVID pass.

Celebrate our birthday with us and enjoy the idyllic winter scenes in Krka National Park!



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