Volunteer programmes in 2022

The volunteer programme is a step forward in the valorisation of the Krka Eco Campus at Puljane, where the Public Institute of Krka National Park has developed a significant educational and reception complex to facilitate the development of volunteer activities in the Park, and advance nature conservation by enabling interesting individuals to get involved in the activities in protected areas.
Four volunteer programmes have been offered:
Market researcher – surveying visitors and using the collected information to improve communications, offer better quality content and ensure better conservation of nature in Krka National Park.
Krka riverbank cleaner – collection and analysis of waste washed up along the banks of the Krka and Čikola River within the boundaries of Krka National Park, and establishing the causes and consequences of waste disposed of in the environment, and presenting results with the aim of raising awareness of the local population and influencing their attitudes towards nature.
Archaeological associate – learning more about the history and culture of the area, gaining experience in the use of non-destructive archaeological research methods at ancient archaeological sites, and participating in the ongoing multi-year process of researching the Roman Burnum military camp.
Educational-creative assistant is the – improve scientific and ecological literacy and develop empathy towards nature and its protection through the teaching principles of respecting the local area.

Volonterski programi u NP „Krka“ provode se sukladno Zakonu o volonterstvu, Etičkom kodeksu volontera i Pravilniku o radu s volonterima u sklopu projekta „Nepoznata Krka: skrivena blaga gornjeg i srednjeg toka rijeke Krke“ u okviru Operativnog programa Konkurentnost i kohezija 2014. – 2020.

For more information about volunteer programmes, please visit link

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