Revealing the unknown Krka – project media campaign

The project Unknown Krka – hidden treasures of the upper and middle course of the Krka River connects the two river banks, the two municipalities of Promina and Bukovica, the Krka Eco Campus in Puljane and the Krka Nature Interpretation Centre – well of life in Kistanje. As part of the project, the Krka Eco Campus was opened in Puljane, as a modern interpretation, educational...

Komentari isključeni za Otkrivamo nepoznatu Krku – medijska kampanja projekta

Representatives of travel agencies and the media visited the Krka Eco Campus in Puljane

As part of the implementation of the EU project The Unknown Krka: hidden treasures of the upper and middle courses of the Krka River, KK., the Krka Eco Campus at Puljane was visited by our partners, the representatives of travel agencies and the media. They were presented with information about tour possibilities, the types of tickets, and the varied content and presentation methods. The campus is intended for children, students, researchers, and volunteers...

Komentari isključeni za Predstavnici turističkih agencija i medija posjetili Eko kampus „Krka“ u Puljanima

The award given to the Krka National Park as the most outstanding volunteer organizer

The Krka National Park has won the award for the most outstanding volunteer organizer in the legal entity category at the award ceremony for the most outstanding organizer of volunteering in Šibenik-Knin County in 2022, as organized by the Youth Association "Mladi u EU" in cooperation with the Youth Council...

Komentari isključeni za Nacionalnom parku „Krka“ nagrada za najistaknutijeg organizatora volontiranja

Successful volunteer programme “Archaeological associate”

From 4–13 July 2022, archaeological research was conducted in the area of the Roman military camp Klanac above Roški Slap. The camp was previously documented using airborne laser scanning technology. The research was led by Joško Zaninović, art conservator Frederik Levarda and volunteer coordinator Doris Banić, with a total...

Komentari isključeni za Uspješno je odrađen volonterski program „Arheološki suradnik“

Volunteer programme “Krka riverbank cleaner”

From 22–31 August 2022, a volunteer programme entitled “Krka riverbank cleaner” was held at Krka National Park. The programme included the following activities: collection and analysis of waste washed up along the banks of the Krka and Čikola Rivers in the territory of Krka National Park, determination of the origin of the waste and the consequences it has on...

Komentari isključeni za Volonterski program „Čistač obale Krke“

The mobile XRF device (Hitachi X-MET8000) was procured for the conservation and art restoration workshop at the Krka Eco Campus in Puljane

Art restorer Frederik Levarda uses the mobile XRF instrument, a device that uses x-ray energy to determine the elements present in museum pieces, even without the need for sampling. XRF is short for X-ray fluorescent spectroscopy and this technology is used to better understand archaeological artefacts, their composition, history, and even condition. For example, in this piece of metal iron armour found at the Nečven fortress, the XRF device

Komentari isključeni za Nabavljen je ručni XRF uređaj Hitachi X-MET8000 za konzervatorsko-restauratorsku radionicu u Eko kampusu „Krka“ u Puljanima

Primary School Principals visit the Krka Eco-Campus in Puljane

As part of the implementation of the EU project “Unknown Krka: Hidden treasures of the upper and middle course of the Krka River” KK., about 100 primary school principals visited the Krka Eco Campus, Burnum locality and the Manojlovac waterfall on 25 October 2022.

Komentari isključeni za Ravnatelji osnovnih škola posjetili Eko kampus „Krka” u Puljanima

Another volunteer program was successfully completed

From 16 to 25 October, we hosted 21 students of the University of Split, Faculty of Philosophy, Division for Teacher's Studies, Department for Early Education and Preschool and the Division of Sociology at the Krka Eco Campus in Puljane. The students took part in the volunteer programme Educational-creative assistant. Educational-creative assistant is the volunteer programmes intended to improve

Komentari isključeni za Uspješno je završen još jedan volonterski program

Increasing cooperation between the Krka National Park and the HGSS (Croatian Mountain Rescue Service) – Šibenik Station

The Croatian Mountain Rescue Service –Šibenik Station and the Krka National Park signed an agreement about the joint use of medical equipment and search and rescue equipment, which also included an agreement about the regular renewal of licenses and the readiness to react in the event of an accident to trained employees of the Krka National Park.

Komentari isključeni za Jačanje suradnje JU „Nacionalni park Krka“ i HGSS – Stanice Šibenik